Monday, May 08, 2006

ESPN likes us

from ESPNs guide to Germany for the Worldcup:

Hard to think of any sights in the industrial area of Gelsenkirchen and Dortmund. Nearby Oberhausen has a well-known shopping mall called Centro. Also, you could endeavour the 60-minute trip to the university city of Muenster, which in October 2004 was voted the most livable community of the world (ahead of Coventry (UK) and Seattle). Why? It's charming, lively, modern as well as ancient and romantic. A little bit of everything. Go figure out yourself.

well not to forget that charming little city called wuppertal...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

hi there

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For me the most difficult part about blogging is to constantly deliver new things stories, and pics.

As You can see I failed miserably, it's not that I don't have enough stuff to write about (girls,music, shows, sports, tech) but still I just don't sit down and write about it everyday, sometimes it is because I forget, sometimes it's just the fact that I am too lazy.

I know I can do more and I will have to do so in the future. I hope I can live up to my own expectations.
take care

look at
- my new sunglasses